Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Samyaza was the leader of the Grigori when they still resided in heaven. It was his job to watch the human race and report on them to God. When Lucifer and his armies refused to honor the race of men, Samyaza sided with him and was cast out as well. He put his subordinates to the task of creating a race of nephilim, defiling the DNA of the human race with the demon seed. When his followers were imnprisioned by Michael in the lowest realms of hell called Tartarus, and the flood washed away the nephilim, he made it his personal mission to recreate the army, but only with Lucifer’s backing. He serves Lucifer with reservations. He personally enjoys the degradation of the human race, but isn’t against them as Lucifer is. He sees his position as a means to an end. Working to corrupt humans while secretly looking for a strong vessel to reuse in his effort to rebel against the Satan and rule over the Earth himself.



Botis is a henchman, without more purpose than to harass the humans he despises and enforce the punishments of hell. When he catches Lyte trying to escape again he’s amused enough to pursue him to the human world. It is eternal law that they cannot reveal themselves in true form to humans, so when she sees him he is determined to carry out the death order. He would bring her down, body and soul, to the depths just to spite Lyte, and to watch her die. He has no love for the human race, nor for his brothers. He is deathly afraid of Lucifer so is subservient to him with no real intentions to do anything more than harass and torture.



 Sharron is the younger of two girls. She went through life with the feeling that she was meant for something more, a purpose that she couldn’t identify. She lives a mediocre life, bored for the most part, having left a hard relationship where an alcoholic fiancé caused her to have a miscarriage. Since then she has distrusted men and life in general. When she meets Lyte, she is unprepared for the force of their attraction, or for the destiny that awaits her. But because of the feeling, the immediate love for Lyte and the fulfillment of her calling she decides to go on and do God’s work at the cost of her own humanity. It is in her blood, carried by her family through the generations of enlightened genes, to be a vessel. And not just any vessel, but THE vessel for the redeeming Angel known simply as the Shepherd. When he assimilates with her consciousness, she assumes a shade of his identity, making her two people at once. She can recall Shepherd’s life in detail as clearly as she can recall her own. Every time she redeems a fallen she learns more of who she is, as the Redeemer, and what power lies inside her. Through the years she becomes hard, closed off especially after Lyte dies. She carries the unborn nephilim child who’s future Shepherd has shown as a series of battles before the Judgment Day. Though she is dedicated to God’s will, she is unsure of the future and feels confined by a destiny that was too much for a lone girl to carry.



Lyte served as a guardian between realms. He was apprentice to Lucifer himself, bearing the light from the third heaven to the outlying galaxies of the Milky Way solar system. He first heard of the race of men from the angels passing through his gates while they were in creation. He didn’t really care one way or the other about the new race as it really didn’t affect him much. When Lucifer called on his men to rebel against the race of men, Lyte naturally followed. He didn’t think he had a choice, since free will was all but secret until Lucifer showed them how to choose. When they were outcast to hell, Lyte was not satisfied with the decision that was made for him. He prayed for God to forgive him but was caught by Lucifer and imprisoned in the lower parts of hell for most of mankind’s duration. He has tried several times to escape but has always been caught until now. When he escapes, and meets Sharron, it is as if he sees the path he has to take, which is by her side. He is a stern believer in destiny and fate and knows that her arrival was timed perfectly to coincide with his, because they were meant to be together and do God’s work. He doesn’t know at first what her purpose is, but he is determined to find out and help. He decides to trade in his redemption for a life with her. When Samyaza attacks them, he sacrifices himself to save her, which in effect, grants his redemption as the sacrifice is the noblest act of heaven and earth. He didn’t want to go home, but will watch over his love, and the unborn nephilim child.


Lucifer progression phases

The enemy of mankind, Lucifer fell from the highest position in heaven to become the author of death, the betrayer, the most evil. He was adored perfect in wisdom and beauty until the race of man was made and he rebelled against them, seeing them as a lower life forms and unworthy of God␣s love. He set about to prove himself right that the human race was forever lost to God, falling to the darkness beyond the reach of His love. But just because he is Satan, does not mean he has let himself go to depravity the way his men have. He still holds himself in the highest regard, crowning himself king over men and hell. When he hears of the Redeemer, he knows that his judgment comes. He has foreseen his unfavorable judgment and is determined to make sure it doesn't happen by sending the angel back by killing the host.