Wednesday, January 2, 2013


 Sharron is the younger of two girls. She went through life with the feeling that she was meant for something more, a purpose that she couldn’t identify. She lives a mediocre life, bored for the most part, having left a hard relationship where an alcoholic fiancé caused her to have a miscarriage. Since then she has distrusted men and life in general. When she meets Lyte, she is unprepared for the force of their attraction, or for the destiny that awaits her. But because of the feeling, the immediate love for Lyte and the fulfillment of her calling she decides to go on and do God’s work at the cost of her own humanity. It is in her blood, carried by her family through the generations of enlightened genes, to be a vessel. And not just any vessel, but THE vessel for the redeeming Angel known simply as the Shepherd. When he assimilates with her consciousness, she assumes a shade of his identity, making her two people at once. She can recall Shepherd’s life in detail as clearly as she can recall her own. Every time she redeems a fallen she learns more of who she is, as the Redeemer, and what power lies inside her. Through the years she becomes hard, closed off especially after Lyte dies. She carries the unborn nephilim child who’s future Shepherd has shown as a series of battles before the Judgment Day. Though she is dedicated to God’s will, she is unsure of the future and feels confined by a destiny that was too much for a lone girl to carry.


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