Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lucifer progression phases

The enemy of mankind, Lucifer fell from the highest position in heaven to become the author of death, the betrayer, the most evil. He was adored perfect in wisdom and beauty until the race of man was made and he rebelled against them, seeing them as a lower life forms and unworthy of God␣s love. He set about to prove himself right that the human race was forever lost to God, falling to the darkness beyond the reach of His love. But just because he is Satan, does not mean he has let himself go to depravity the way his men have. He still holds himself in the highest regard, crowning himself king over men and hell. When he hears of the Redeemer, he knows that his judgment comes. He has foreseen his unfavorable judgment and is determined to make sure it doesn't happen by sending the angel back by killing the host.


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