

Redemption is heavily saturated within the religious mythology. We start out with Lyte, who is escaping from Hell on his way to search for forgiveness. Those fallen who were repentant were offered the choice, but Lucifer in his jealous anger had them all imprisoned in the farthest depths. Thus it is that Lyte, through fate’s design, was able to make it out. His emergence coincides with the introduction of our leading female character Sharron. Upon seeing the light in the alley and Lyte crawling out of the darkness, she assumes that he is a drunken person and goes to help him without hesitation. But her intervention brings her in contact with the supernatural world of angels and demons, and having seen proof of their existence, can no longer choose to believe. She becomes the hand of fate, through the angel Shepherd, Sharron has the ability to redeem the fallen and return them to grace. But behind the coincidence of their union is a plot by both god and devil concerning the fate of the mortal world. Choosing to help Lyte, the two embark on a journey to redeem the fallen angels and bring peace between the realms. Lucifer, upon hearing of Sharron and her new mission, engages his minions to ensure that they do not succeed and the fallen stay in their lowly caste. The first officer sent to kill her is Samyaza. He has always had his own agenda but fear of Lucifer’s wrath keeps him subservient. Botis stays alive by not engaging with Lyte after he was defeated when Lyte first escaped. He watches the battles and reports on them to Lucifer, who grows more determined to see Sharron the Redeemer, dead and her work unfinished. The climax of the film, in the graveyard for the final battle Lyte sacrifices himself to save Sharron. Before he can die that final death Sharron grants him his redemption and his full power as a pure angel surges forth and destroys Samyaza. Though he is dead, Lucifer lives on and his plotting continues. The world will burn and we will burn with him. In the end, he sends another minion, Mastema, to try a new tactic and open the gates of hell.

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